One of my favourite Northern Irish tech companies has just scored a world first. Those web and mobile application wizards at Lisburn based GCD Technologies have only went and helped ICM Books Direct become the first Christian bookstore worldwide to launch an iPhone app!
Now I know that iPhone app launches are ten a penny these days but it’s always worth celebrating world firsts from here in whatever form they come. I think it also shows maturity and confidence in mobile as a platform for doing business when even small stores from my home county (Armagh) can reach the world through this medium.
Not only that but the quality of the craftsmanship that has went into the app speaks for itself. Judging by the screenshots over at the ICM Books page on iTunes it just looks good. I haven’t had a play myself as I’m very much an Android man though I’m more than happy to take the gift of an iOS device to try it out.
I shouldn’t be surprised by the quality. Afterall the GCD guys also helped bring the most excellent award winning TaxiZapp to market. Another example of how one local entrepreneur’s idea was made reality by the team. For that reason I am awarding then GCD Technologies “Geek to God” status as part of #projectathene.
If Christian books are your thing head on over here and check the app out for yourself.
David Crozier
P.S. In the interests of open disclosure I’d like to flag up that I was made aware of this app release by Chris Harrison over at JPRNI who does an excellent job in blogger relations. I was more than happy to blog about it to help Northern Ireland companies reach a wider audience.